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About Us

At CHM, our Christ-centered children’s home, schools, and churches work together to share the good news of Jesus with the people of Haiti.

Our Story

We are a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has been serving the same communities in Haiti for nearly twenty years.

Through locally-led programs and strategic partnerships with other organizations, we are able to provide health care, education for children and adults, employment, orphan care, and share the hope of a life in Christ. 

We believe that God has called CHM to be a lighthouse in the Cabaret region of Haiti. While it is true that Haiti is the “poorest country in the Western Hemisphere,” it is also a place of exquisite beauty, rich history, and deep national pride.

Despite decades of suffering and deprivation, the Haitian people are resilient and courageous and we are honored to know them, serve them, and partner with them.


We have over seven hundred students in our two schools offering kindergarten thru senior year of high school to the surrounding communities. The teachers and administrators are all local leaders, many of whom grew up in our ministry.

Adult Education

As part of our outreach into the community we have adult education classes. They started out many years ago as basic literacy but have since expanded into more advanced classes, including mathematics.


Our two churches are the heart of the communities we serve. Local leadership reaching local people! We have a food and clothing outreach into the community for those in need of help.

Medical Clinic

We have a full time nurse on staff for the residents of the children’s home, staff, and community.

CHM Values

  • ADAPTABILITY: At Cabaret Haiti Missions, adaptability is ingrained in our approach to serving the Haitian community. We understand that the landscape of Haiti, both physical and social, can be unpredictable. That is why we remain flexible and responsive, adjusting our strategies to effectively address the evolving needs of the people we serve. Whether it is navigating through challenging terrain or embracing cultural differences, our commitment to adaptability ensures we can make a meaningful impact where it is needed most.

  • COMMUNITY: Our organization is built upon the foundation of community. From our dedicated volunteers to the resilient people of Haiti, we belive in the power of coming together to create a positive change. Cabaret Haiti Missions serves as a hub where individuals from all walks of life can unite in service and solidarity. Through collaboration, compassion, and mutual support, we foster a sense of belonging and empowerment within the communities we serve. 

  • FAITH: Faith is at the heart of everything we do at Cabaret Haiti Missions. We believe in a higher purpose that guides our actions and inspires us to serve with love and compassion. Our faith strengthens our resolve, sustains us through challenges, and fuels our unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. Whether it is through prayer, service, or reflection, we trust in the transformative power of faith to bring hope and healing to those in need. 

  • GRACE: Grace is the cornerstone of our interactions and relationships at Cabaret Haiti Missions. It is about extending kindness, understanding, and forgiveness to ourselves and others, even in the face of adversity. In our work, we strive to embody grace by approaching every situation with empathy and humility. Whether it is offering a helping hand, lending a listening eary, or offering words of encouragement, we believe that grace has the power to heal wounds, bridge divides, and foster a spirit of unity and compassion. 

Statement of Faith

  • 1. We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired, inerrant and infallible word of God. It is the final authority for our faith and practice.

  • 2. We believe there is only one true God, manifested in the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • 3. We believe in the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth and in His sinless life. He died on the cross for our sins, rose again, ascended back to heaven, and will return again in power and glory. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life.

  • 4. We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine person equal with God the Father and God the Son. He seals and indwells believers, and empowers, comforts, and equips Christians to understand spiritual truths, to serve Jesus Christ, and to strive towards righteous living.

  • 5. We believe that all people are by nature separated from God and responsible for their own sin, but that salvation, redemption, and forgiveness are freely offered to all by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

  • 6. We believe that the church consists of all who believe in Jesus Christ as savior, and that Jesus Christ is the Head of the church.

  • 7. We believe that the Holy Bible is clear in its teaching to care for orphans, and to help the poor and disadvantaged.

  • Our beliefs align with The 2000 Baptist Faith & Message

Stateside Staff

Mike Snider, Executive Director

Information about Mike is coming soon!

Kenzie Allen, Ministry Assistant

Kenzie has served as our Ministry Assistant since 2014 when CHM incorporated. She first visited Haiti in 2011, which sparked her love of the Haitian people and her passion for CHM. She had the privilege of returning to Haiti several more times between 2011 and 2017, leading teams from her church, First Baptist Church of Orange Park, where she has served as the Director of Missions since 2011. Kenzie’s perspective has been forever changed by her experiences in Haiti; and she wishes that everyone could have the opportunity to serve on a mission trip, especially in a place of great need. She is married to her husband, Ryan, and they have three beautiful children. 

Board Members

Joe Otwell, Board Chairman

Serving as the Chair of the Cabaret Haiti Mission board is a great honor for Joe. His personal experience working with the children and staff of CHM has fueled his eagerness to see God continually work among our Haitian brothers and sisters. From 2012 to 2016, Joe was privileged to travel with teams to serve in Bercy. 

Joe is happily married to Natalie, his wife of 32 years. They have 4 grown children, Courtney, Austin, Caris, and Nathan. Joe has been serving on the pastoral staff of Fort Caroline Baptist Church since 2003.

Dr. Renee’ Pleasant, Vice Chairman

Dr. Renee’ Pleasant is a dedicated advocate for positive change. Her commitment to serving others resonates deeply with her role as a Board Member at Cabaret Haiti Mission.  Although her last visit to Haiti was in December 2014, Dr. Renee’s unwavering support for the mission continues to shine through her work. Drawing inspiration from Matthew 25:40 (NIV), a biblical verse close to her heart: “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” This verse encapsulates her belief in the power of serving others as a means to serve a higher purpose.

Tobitha “T” Smith, Secretary

By God’s grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, T Smith is a child of God, wife to one of the most wonderful men on earth, mama to three of her greatest blessings, “mama t” by heart to many more, sister and friend to some of the world’s most magnificent women and men, and a lover and supporter of the beautiful souls who reside and work at Cabaret Baptist Children’s Home. In 2014, T became acquainted with CHM and took her first trip to Haiti in 2015. Both the warmth of the people and the significance of Kingdom work compelled her to partner with CHM—may God be glorified. “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John‬ 15‬:4‬-5‬

Sarah Parnell, Treasurer

Sarah Parnell became a believer in Jesus and was baptized at the age of 7.   She is a retired public school teacher of 40 years.  At this point, she teaches two ESL classes with students in China via Zoom, one group of college students and the other young children. 

Sarah first went to Cabaret Haiti Mission about 20 years ago.  She has a heart for children and hopes that one day Haiti will be open for more trips to work with the children.

Cynthia Cannon (LCSW), Board Member

Cynthia Cannon is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Florida. She has a passion for Cabaret and served on-site for 18 months during her college years. Her experience living in Haiti guided the trajectory of her career and faith in God. Cynthia loves the verse: “Be kind, compassionate, and forgiving to each other, in the same way God forgave you in Christ.” Ephesians 4:32.

Brad Davis, Board Member

Information coming soon about Brad!

Anna Guy, Board Member

Anna is happy to return to the Cabaret Haiti Mission Board. She developed a love for Haiti when she was privileged to be part of the first scouting trip with the Jacksonville Baptist Association in 1998.  Blessed to make more than 25 mission trips to Haiti, she assisted with the founding of the school, church and orphanage. She “adopted” and financially supported Marie Joe “PanPan” Remy, throughout her schooling who is now the Orphanage Director. Anna is retired from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, after 37 years of service in Information Technology. She is the Mission Director at Lake Shore Baptist Church in Jacksonville with a history of mission trips to Haiti, Australia, North Carolina and Florida.

Kirsten Montenari, Board Member

Kirsten and a team of missionaries from Fort Caroline Baptist Church first visited Cabaret Haiti Mission (known back then as Cabaret Baptist Children’s Home) in 2011. She immediately fell in love with the kids, people & amazing missionaries, Poppa Mike & Momma Bonnie. She has been a part of the CHM family ever since. She has been blessed to travel to Haiti about 10 times, including Christmas trips, and desires to continue to serve the Lord and this ministry as He leads. “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James‬ 1‬:27‬ ESV  ‬‬Kirsten is currently serving her 2nd term as a CHM board member.

Autumn Martinage, Board Member

Autumn is a mom of three girls who always seem to find ways to fill her schedule.  When she’s not chasing her daughters down, she is passionate about helping to bring her community back to life through her career in real estate development.  A member of Mandarin Baptist Church since 2005, she has been involved with the Cabaret Haiti Mission for many years.  Her first trip to Haiti occurred in 2015 and she fell in love with not only the country but the people.  Autumn has served as member of the Cabaret Haiti Mission board since 2022 and looks forward to the day when she will be able to return to Haiti.

Cheryl Smyth, Board Member

Information coming soon!

Dave Swartz, Board Member

Keep checking, information coming soon!