Update On the Situation in Haiti
I wanted to update you all on the situation in Haiti concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, the overall belief was that it would not reach Haiti, but the first two cases soon followed. Much like the U.S., panic alongside total dismissal, followed. We, at CHM, began taking precautions as soon as we heard about it. There was still hand sanitizer in the market where we shop – and yes, even toilet paper! I bought as much hand sanitizer, bleach, and soap as we could afford, along with 5-gallon buckets with spigots. We set up hand-washing stations outside the gates with bleach water and bar soap.
One of our partner ministries, Equality International, began making masks with funds donated by another one of our partners, T.H.E. Mission Haiti, who provides scholarships for all 700 of the students in our schools. Masks have been provided for all of the employees at the children’s home, all of the teachers and students at both schools, and several hundred to both churches. Currently, both schools are closed, and the churches are not having services. Our children’s home is still a 24/7 operation, though. We don’t have the facilities to house all of our employees, so they must travel back and forth to work each day. Consequently, they all wear masks when traveling, wash their hands outside the gate, then change clothes in the guard shack before entering the compound. There is another hand-washing station set up in the kitchen and big pump bottles of hand sanitizer placed around the facility. On a side note, ever tried keeping 42 children from using up all the hand sanitizer in the first five minutes of putting it out?! We have taken every precaution, and – praise God – everyone has remained healthy. We appreciate so much your prayers and support during this difficult time.
Mike Snider