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Author: Renee Pleasant

Finding Hope

It is common at this time of year to reflect on the closing of a year and seek out lessons or reminders. For all of us, I think we can agree that 2024 was a year in which we were reminded of God’s unwavering faithfulness, especially in the middle of extraordinary challenges.  This past year was unprecedented, one we could not have predicted or planned. Yet, in every moment, we were reminded of God’s faithfulness, were front-row witnesses to His grace, and through it all, we have been strengthened...

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The Beauty of Cabaret Haiti Mission

Guest blogger: Mark Seagle There is something freeing about being a part of Cabaret Haiti Mission. There is an abundance of beauty and wonder; hope and possibility; sorrow and brokenness; hunger and hardship; and love and joy. This multi-faceted hue of the mission resonates of the grace and goodness of God in the most destitute, yet abundant of places. As I consider CHM, my heart runs to the songs of the children in the dawn of each morning; the joy and laughter each afternoon on the benches...

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We learned a lot at Te Nwa School

Guest blogger: Mike Smyth My name is Mike Smyth, and I have had the joy of visiting Cabaret 13 times, traveling with the group from Mount Hermon in Danville, VA.   There are so many stories that I can share, but today I want to focus on my experience at Te Nwa, leading vacation bible school.  Teaching VBS is difficult enough in America, but imagine preparing the bible lessons, crafts, games, and snacks for the journey up the mountain to Te Nwa School.   For context, Te...

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Standing in Solidarity

As a resident of Florida, I often jest about our state’s seasons, from Snowbird Season to Hurricane Season. Yet, amidst the occasional inconveniences, we’re far from crisis. However, just 700 miles away lies Haiti, a nation grappling with a political crisis.Haiti, aptly named “the land of mountains,” is not only geologically prone to earthquakes but also burdened by systemic poverty, making it one of the world’s poorest countries. Presently, it faces a dire political...

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