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Author: Kenzie Allen

Sponsor Testimony: The Smyths

“My name is Mike Smyth, and I first visited the Cabaret children’s home in 2012.  We had seen poverty on other mission trips, but not poverty to this extent.  There were sights and smells that I had never experienced, as we traveled from the airport to Bercy.  Oh, plus the heat.   Once at the orphanage, interacting with the kids was a joy.  They jumped up in the truck and helped us unload our luggage.  Some were very outgoing, while others...

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7 Ways to Help for Little to No Money

Like, Comment, and Share our posts on Facebook and Instagram. If you follow us on social media, this is a super easy way to help us increase our reach and engagement so that more people see our posts, which hopefully turns into more awareness and support for our mission. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to help us grow. Make it personal, and share why you choose to support CHM!Sign up for AmazonSmile. I think just about everyone uses Amazon to shop. Amazon has a program where...

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First Annual “Mama Bonnie Valentine Mission Offering”

We are excited to announce the First Annual “Mama Bonnie Valentine Mission Offering.” What better way to recognize the often unnoticed, daily tasks of love that Bonnie showered on her Cabaret children? Because of the special love held for Mama Bonnie and her life and legacy, a $50,000 matching gift is pledged to match your gift dollar for dollar. All of us can join together in honoring Bonnie’s life and extending her legacy by reaching the goal of $100,000 to continue to help...

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Update On the Situation in Haiti

I wanted to update you all on the situation in Haiti concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, the overall belief was that it would not reach Haiti, but the first two cases soon followed. Much like the U.S., panic alongside total dismissal, followed. We, at CHM, began taking precautions as soon as we heard about it. There was still hand sanitizer in the market where we shop – and yes, even toilet paper! I bought as much hand sanitizer, bleach, and soap as we could afford, along with...

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It is amazing to me how often you come across something new in the Bible. There is always a new way of looking at a passage, a new truth waiting to be revealed. I have been going through Ephesians with the kids and morning staff, and I came across Ephesians 4:17. Paul is writing to a group of gentile (non-Jewish) believers. He tells them to no longer live like gentiles. But wait, they are gentiles. That’s like telling me to no longer live like an American. Isn’t that exactly the point,...

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Snider’s Update

Dear friends and supporters of Cabaret Haiti Mission: I, Mike, first visited Haiti in 2007 with my home church, Mandarin Baptist Church. I was immediately drawn to the work and ministry of CHM. I had previously studied mission work at Liberty University and felt as though I could make a difference. In August 2009, God called Bonnie and I to move to Haiti to be the full-time onsite directors. After meeting with the Board of Directors in October 2009, the call was confirmed. We took a year...

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